This webinar examines the sustainable control of sheep scab mites and what we need to do differently.
Presented by : Lesley Stubbings, independent sheep consultant
The webinar covers the importance of diagnostics in sheep scab control. This includes the use of skin scrapes and blood tests.
The webinar is presented by Biobest diagnostics.
A webinar on Sheep Ectoparasites and Their Control presented by Dr Peter Bates, Veterinary parasitologist. This webinar covers an overview of the lifecycles, clinical signs, management, diagnosis and control of ectoparasites on sheep.
This webinar focuses on the correct procedure for dipping sheep and the disposal of spent sheep dip in Ireland.
This video was made by Catchment CARE in partnership with Teagasc and Loughs Agency.
This webinar examines the engagement with sheep farmers, testing, product choice and the targeted treatment with anthelmintics.
Presented by : Lesley Stubbings, independent sheep consultant.
This video will cover information on the disease and the lifecycle, including risk factors, treatment options, resistance and the use of FEC.
Presented by: Lesley Stubbings, independent sheep consultant.
This presentation will cover the key aspects of liver fluke in ruminants.
It will cover the lifecycle, the costs involved, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment and, resistance.
This presentation will also cover rumen fluke in ruminants – the epidemiology, life cycle, clinical signs and management.
Presented by Philip Skuce from the Moredun Research Institute.